Refund Policy
Refunds will be given only if a trip or class is canceled by Survive Off Road. If You cancel your trip or class you may reschedule within a twelve month period from the date of payment without additional charge.
Thank-you for the exciting, educational and safe day. The Four-Wheel Drive 101 course was more than I thought it would be. The areas you use for the course are great. The instructions you and Stan provide are spot on. The emphasis you and Stan put on safety is what made the course # 1 for me. My confidence level is much higher and I feel that I can prevent incidents from happening and if the inevitable does happen I can now feel confident about getting out of tough situations. The best part of all is that I learned this while having fun and enjoying the great views of the area and the company of the classmates and instructors. I am interested in taking an advanced class in the fall.
Thanks again
May 25, 2012
Thank you for the opportunity to see what safe off roading is all about. The information was great and the area was beautiful.
May 20, 2012
It was an excellent day all around. A great learning experience for Jim and I. I really would recomend this course to ANYBODY. Beginers especially!!!!! And anybody who dosen't "off-road" everyday for thier own learning. The techniques are alot easier on me and my FJ---GTEAT STUFF!
March 10, 2012
I RECOMMEND that every time someone join's AZFJ and puts their name in the New Member section, they should contact Chuck for training. IT can only result in the following:
•Keep us Safe
•keep the other drivers safe
•protect the environment
•make the outing FUN not a chore
March 10, 2012
The Ultimate Canyonlands Adventure
Class size: 5 attendee's
Three Days
Please call or text 602-321-0833
or email
for information.
The Ultimate Four-wheel Drive Adventure into the Canyonlands will make you think outside the box and apply what you know about backcountry travel. You will explore unknown territory and face unknown challenges. You may need to make fire from sticks. Your knowledge and skills will be tested, but you’ll go home with a sense of pride that you learned and accomplished new skills in the Ultimate Four-Wheel Drive Adventure.
Class size: 6 students
No previous experience required
$399 per Student
September 28th and 29th
Course will be held in Az.
If you became "stranded" due to weather, mechanical failure, or just plain bad luck! Do you know what to do? Many people think it can’t happen to them but it happens every day to people who though they were "ready" for the unexpected. “Stranded” is a course designed to teach the basics of getting your vehicle unstuck and if that fails how to survive until help arrives.
Sometimes individual or group training will work better for our clients. Custom courses offer the freedom and flexibility to train on your schedule focusing on specific skills and objectives. Many people defray the cost of a custom course by including people with similar needs. If customized training will better suite your requirements please contact us.
Chuck can also guide your group or family trip into the Arizona backcountry. He has an intimate knowledge of the Arizona wilderness and can make your adventure extraordinary. At your request, Chuck can also include wilderness skills, survival training, and four-wheel drive instruction.
Survive Off Road offers courses to Government, Industrial, and Recreation clients. If your needs cannot be met by an existing course, we will work with you to design a course that will address your specific requirements. If you have questions about an existing course or require custom training to meet a specific need, please contact ChuckDavis@SurviveOffRoad or call 602-321-0833.
October 24th to 27th
Limited to five vehicles.
Four wheel drive vehicle required.
Please click on "Wild Arizona" for details.
$695.00 per Vehicle (two people)
Course will be held in Az.
Incredible vistas and beautiful canyons will be your constant companion as you journey through this stunning landscape. Polish your current off-road driving skills, challenge your abilities, and learn new off-road driving techniques from an I4WDTA certified instructor that will help keep you, your family, and friends safer in remote and difficult terrain. Acquire survival skills that could help keep you alive if you become stranded in the backcountry. Learn to become a trail leader, the person everyone turns to when the trail gets tough.

In this course we will cover which operation, safety precautions, and rigging. We will discuss the Highlift Jack, its accessories, and proper setup. We will also work with other forms of recovery gear. The class will take about six hours. Class size will be limited to 8 students. Cost is $249 per person. You don’t need to have your own recovery gear for this course.
Vehicle Recovery 101
Class size: 5 students
Approximately 6 hours of training
Course will be held in central AZ.
$249 per student
Register now!
Please call or text 602-321-0833
or email for class information.
Limited to five vehicles
Four wheel drive vehicle required
$249 per vehicle (two people)
The trip to the Cochran coke ovens alone is worth the trip, but to spend some time learning or improving your four wheel driving skills along the way makes this adventure one you must do. The coke ovens are the last standing ruins of the small town of Cochran Arizona. Don’t miss this amazing skills building adventure, sign up NOW! Limited to five vehicles. Minimum tire size 31 in. Locker and winch not required.
Call 602-321-0833 or email
Custom and personal training $150hr
Register Now for Wild Arizona
Class is limited to 5 vehicles.
Course held in central AZ.
$249.00 per student
Register now!
Please call or text 602-321-0833
or email for class information.
Spending quality time with family and friends is good stuff, doing it in the backcountry is awesome. Your friends and family will appreciate your new found knowledge and skills when the trail gets tough. Learn to read the terrain, pick a line, and drive it effortlessly. Know what to do if the unexpected happen and a critical response is required. Classes are small so instruction can be given to each person as needed. Be the “go to” person when the trail gets tough. Click Four-Wheel Drive 101 to see pictures and more information.